
Many bridge players in the French bridge community have adopted a conventional method called collante, which is translated as adhesive, adherent, or sticky, which is an English designation for this conventional concept. The origin of the concept is unknown and any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Note: as employed in the game of bridge the definition of the word collante means next suit up, the next suit in rank. This conventional method is used by those players, who play Majeure cinquiéme, or Five-Card Majors.

Basing the partnership agreement on the principles of Majeure cinquiéme, or Five-Card Majors, the double assumes another definition as opposed to the normal and almost generally accepted definition of the negative double, which is the cornerstone of this concept.

Important Note: For those players, who employ mainly the principles of Majeure cinquiéme, it must be stated that not all experienced players and/or experts have fully agreed on the usefulness of the collante conventional method. This has led to the fact that the method is more considered a personal and individual agreement, which can meet the needs of the partnership.

Basic Concept

The following illustrations illustrate the collante conventional method and provide the visitor with the logical reasoning for such a concept. For all examples South is the opener, not the dealer. The bridge student must take into account any and all bidding sequences, whereby the responder is already a passed hand. The bridge student must also realize the state or lack of vulnerability before deciding to respond with fewer than 8 high card points.

South   East   North   Meaning
1           Promises opening values.
    1       Immediate competition promising competitive values.
        Double   A competitive double promises exactly a 4-card Heart suit (next higher-ranking suit) and competitive values of 8* or more high card points. (Note: the double does not promise any length or strength in the Spade suit and this is the difference between the collante conventional method and the negative double.
        1   Promises at least a 5-card Heart suit.
            *Note: As the collante conventional method is flexible in its employment, it must be noted that some partnerships have decreased the minimum for a response to at least 6 high card points, while other partnerships have established the minimum of 8 high card points.
Note: The following auction is presented only as a bidding auction if the immediate overcall is Hearts.
South   East   North   Meaning
1           Promises opening values.
    1       Immediate competition promising competitive values and at least a 5-card Diamonds suit.
        1   Promises at least a 4-card Spade suit.
Note: The following auction is presented only as a bidding auction if the immediate overcall is Hearts.
South   East   North   Meaning
1           Promises opening values.
    1       Generally promises a 5-card plus Heart suit and competitive values.
        Double   A competitive double promises exactly a 4-card Spade suit (next higher-ranking suit) and competitive values of 8* or more high card points. (Note: the double does not promise any length or strength in the Heart suit and this is the difference between the collante conventional method and the negative double. (Note: the bridge student must again reminded of the flexible total of necessary high card points.)
        1   Promises at least a 5-card Spade suit and a minimum of 8 high card points.
A third bidding sequence must be considered to complete the clarification of the collante conventional method:
South   East   North   Meaning
1/           Promises opening values.
    1       Generally promises a 5-card plus Spade suit and competitive values.
        Double   Promises a 4-card Heart suit and a minimum of 8 high card points.
        2   Promises a minimum of a 5-card plus Heart suit and a minimum of 10 high card points.

The following examples are from publications by Mr. Michel Lebel, especially from his publication La nouvelle super majeure cinquième, ISBN-13: 978-2268062488, and from his publication Le Nouveau Memento: Le Bridge standard français, ISBN-13: 978-2268043258.

Example 1    
South   East   North   Meaning
1           Promises opening values.
    1       Immediate competition promising competitive values and at least a 5-card Diamonds suit.
        Double   Promises exactly a 4-card Heart suit, no 4-card Spade suit, and a minimum of about 8 high card points. (Note: the bridge student must again reminded of the flexible total of necessary high card points.)
            *Note: it is quite possible that the responder may or may not have a 4-card Spade suit, but since the employment of the negative double is not possible when playing the collante conventional method, then this becomes a non-issue and does not exchange any information about the Spade suit.
Example 2    
South   East   North    
1           Promises opening values.
    1       Immediate competition promising competitive values and at least a 5-card Diamonds suit.
        Double   Promises exactly a 4-card Heart suit, no 4-card Spade suit, and a minimum of about 8 high card points. (Note: the bridge student must again reminded of the flexible total of necessary high card points.)
            *Note: again the bridge student should remember that the responder only promises a 4-card Heart suit.
Example 3    
South   East   North    
1           Promises opening values. The following is also valid if the opening bid is 1 Diamond.
    1       Immediate competition promising competitive values and at least a 5-card Diamonds suit.
        1   Promises a minimum of a 5-card plus Heart suit and the required minimum of the agreed high card points.



If you wish to include this feature, or any other feature, of the game of bridge in your partnership agreement, then please make certain that the concept is understood by both partners. Be aware whether or not the feature is alertable or not and whether an announcement should or must be made. Check with the governing body and/or the bridge district and/or the bridge unit prior to the game to establish the guidelines applied. Please include the particular feature on your convention card in order that your opponents are also aware of this feature during the bidding process, since this information must be made known to them according to the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge. We do not always include the procedure regarding Alerts and/or Announcements, since these regulations are changed and revised during time by the governing body. It is our intention only to present the information as concisely and as accurately as possible.
