The first publication of the Super Crash conventional method appeared in the August 1986 issue of The Bridge World magazine, Volume 57, Number 11, authored by Mr. W. D. Bannion. Note that the designation is written as one word, namely Supercrash, as opposed to two separate words. The developer is Mr. Charles Galloway of Ontario, Canada. This variation of the original Crash conventional method is devised to show either a one-suited holding, a two-suited holding, or a three-suited holding after the opponents begin the auction with a strong, forcing 1 Club opening.
Note: Any contribution as to the bridge personality of Mr. W.D. Bannion, especially photographic material, would be greatly appreciated.
Super Crash Overcalls
This version adheres to the original version as developed and devised by Mr. Kit Woolsey and Mr. Steve Robinson, but adds two additional bids. These overcalls by the intervenor are as follows:
1 : |
Promises a two-suited holding of the same color, either red or black, unspecified. |
1 : |
Promises a two-suited holding of the same rank: either both Major suits or both Minor suits, unspecified. |
1 : |
This is primarily a preemptive overcall, which can be based on a weak holding and/or a weak Spade suit such as: KJ108. The state of vulnerability is most important in deciding to make this overcall. |
1 NT: |
Promises a weak, but unspecified one-suited holding. In order to discover the unspecified suit the advancer relays with 2. The intervenor passes if Clubs is his suit and, if not, then rebids the intended suit. |
2 : |
This overcall promises a weak three-suited holding. |
2 : |
This is a Twerb overcall showing either the suit above the suit bid, Hearts, or a two-suited holding with at least a 5-5 distribution containing the suits below the bid suit, Clubs and Spades. |
2 : |
This is a Twerb overcall showing either the suit above the suit bid, Spades, or a two-suited holding with at least a 5-5 distribution containing the suits below the bid suit, Diamonds and Clubs. |
2 : |
Promises a two-suited holding of the same shape: either Rounded, Hearts and Clubs, or Pointed, Spades and Diamonds. |
The overcalls of 2 Diamonds and 2 Hearts become idle bids in this version and can be employed by the partnership in any fashion, whether as natural bids, transfer bids, or TWERB bids showing a distinct distributional pattern of any two-suited holding, whether 4-4, 4-5, 5-5, or even 6-5 distribution.
The main point to remember is that the overcall on the one level shows weak values with only distributional strength. To show additional values and distributional strength, the intervenor can overcall by jumping one level in the same suit and still retain the same meaning. For example: 1 may show a range of 5-10 points as determined by the partnership, but an overcall of 2 would show 10 plus points and the same unspecified two-suited holding. The responses of the advancer are also identical, but occur only one level higher.
With additional values and distributional strength the intervenor may also first double and clarify the two suits with successive rebids.
Original by Mr. Charles Galloway
Many Thanks to Mr. Charles Galloway, who contributed the original publication of his innovative variation. The actual published article in The Bridge World, August 1986, can be viewed via the link to the .pdf file version. The email correspondence with Mr. Charles Galloway is also interesting because it contains his short version, or summary of the concept behind SuperCRASH, and which follows in quoted text:
In those days the Precision Club was in vogue and I decided to devise a system for preempting against it with all sorts of hands.
In fact there are NO idle bids in the convention. During the first round every bid of Diamonds or double of Diamonds at ANY level shows to suits of the same colour. Likewise any bid of Spades or double of Spades at ANY level shows suits of the same length. Any bid of Notrump or double of Notrump at ANY level shows a single suiter. Except for 1 doubled, which shows 16+ all constructive bids occur after the first round. Of course, you need a real freak to preempt at a very high level.
With one of my partners I once had the auction 1 (Precision), 3 (2 of the same rank), P, 3NT (a single suiter); X, P, 5, PO. After the lady got butchered at 5 she summoned the director to whom all was explained. His answer was, “I see, your partner opened 1 and you don’t know what suit(s) he had, your RHO overcalled and you don’t know which suits he had, your left hand opponent showed a single suit and you don’t know what that was, and you bid 5 and got butchered? I can’t protect you form a bid like that.”
I have enclosed a copy of my original memo to Bannion explaining the convention I had devised and a copy of his article in the bridge world describing it.
End quoted text.
Many thanks are also due for the additional contribution of the Original Memo to Mr. W. D. Bannion, which the student of bridge can view in .pdf file format. The review of these notes is important in understanding the concept behind the act of competing against a strong, forcing Club opening bid by the opponents.
Note: There is a difference in the recording of this information since The Bridge World spells the surname as Bannion, whereas other references, and even that of Mr. Charles Galloway, spell the surname as Bennion. The necessity of making this distinction may be of some importance to several visitors. Very little information is available for Mr. W. D. Bennion / Bannion, and any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
If you wish to include this feature, or any other feature, of the game of bridge in your partnership agreement, then please make certain that the concept is understood by both partners. Be aware whether or not the feature is alertable or not and whether an announcement should or must be made. Check with the governing body and/or the bridge district and/or the bridge unit prior to the game to establish the guidelines applied. Please include the particular feature on your convention card in order that your opponents are also aware of this feature during the bidding process, since this information must be made known to them according to the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge. We do not always include the procedure regarding Alerts and/or Announcements, since these regulations are changed and revised during time by the governing body. It is our intention only to present the information as concisely and as accurately as possible.