
The origin of this conventional method is unknown. The definition of the word Omnibus is: pertaining to or dealing with numerous objects or items at once. Every now and then one comes across a convention which can be used by bridge partnerships opening up a 4-card Major or partnerships, who will only open with a 5-card Major. The Omnibus Two No Trump Response To Major openings is one of those conventions.

As included in the introduction the origin of this conventional method is unknown. Any contribution of any additional information would be greatly appreciated. In the case that there is also photographic material about the author of this concept, then any contribution thereof would also be of great value to complement this web page.


Parameters of the Concept

The concept introduces a response method for the responder once an immediate fit in a Major suit has been established. The responder must hold game values for this partnership agreement to take effect. Therefore the responder, with game values, will respond first with a bid of 2 No Trump. Following this first response the opening partner can communicate certain information to the responder about any additional values, etc.

Following an immediate response of 2 No Trump to a Major suit opening bid the opener can bid either 3 Clubs or 3 Diamonds to communicate the necessary information to the responder about the establishment of the final contract.

Note: examples are not provided.

First Rebid is 3 Clubs

Dealer Responder Meaning
1 / 2 NT Promises either a balanced hand with stoppers in the unbid suits and 13-20 high card points, or
  a strong raise of opener's suit with at least 4-card support and 16-18 support points.
3 The 3 Clubs rebid of the opener indicates either an interest in a Major suit contract or an opening bid worth more than the minimum. The rebid of the opener is completely artificial and tells his partner nothing about his Club holding. All other bids following are generally artificial and provide only descriptive information about the high card point range.

Note: The first rebid of 3 Clubs by the opener may or may not promise a certain pattern or distribution or shape as does the 3 Diamonds rebid.

3 This rebid promises values of 16-18 high card points.
4 NT This rebid promises values of 19-20 high card points.
If the responder has a high card point range of 13-15, then the responder informs his partner whether he has support for the bid Major suit. If the responder does not have the required support in the bid Major, but does have a 4-card support in the second Major suit, the responder is required to inform his partner.
3 NT If the responder does not have support in the bid Major suit, and does not have a 4-card support in the second Major suit, then the responder simply bids 3 No Trump.
If the responder is within the 16-18 support point range, the responder can bid below the bid Major suit of the opener on the four level to indicate minimum or maximum support point range. These bids are generally artificial and are shown below:
4 This rebid indicates the maximum support range, and is also the cheapest bid over 3 Clubs.
4 This rebid indicates an average range, but may also show a 4-card plus length in Diamonds.
4 This rebid indicates an average range, but may also show a 4-card plus length in Hearts.
4 As illustrated in the case above, this rebid indicates a minimum hand within the promised support range.

First Rebid is 3 Diamonds

A 3 Diamond rebid by the opener after the Omnibus Two No Trump response indicates that the opener has three 4-card suits. If the opener has bid 1 Spade, then the singleton is in Clubs. If the opener has bid 1 Heart, then the singleton is in Spades. If the singleton is in another suit, then the opener is required to bid 3 Clubs, as illustrated below:

Dealer Responder Meaning
1 2 NT Promises either a balanced hand with stoppers in the unbid suits and 13-20 high card points, or
  a strong raise of opener's suit with at least 4-card support and 16-18 support points.
3 This rebid by the opener promises a distribution of 4-4-4-1 with the singleton in Clubs.
Note: However, if the opening bid is 1 Heart, then the following applies:
1 2 NT Promises either a balanced hand with stoppers in the unbid suits and 13-20 high card points, or
a strong raise of opener's suit with at least 4-card support and 16-18 support points.
3 This rebid by the opener promises a distribution of 1-4-4-4 with the singleton in Spades.
1 / 2 NT Promises either a balanced hand with stoppers in the unbid suits and 13-20 high card points, or
a strong raise of opener's suit with at least 4-card support and 16-18 support points.
3 This rebid may (not guarantee) promise a singleton in another suit except the Black suits, either Hearts or Diamonds, the Red suits.
3 NT Note: The bid of 3 No Trump by the responder after a 3 forced rebid by the opener shows no 4-card support in any of the suits bid by the opener.
Note: The continuances on the four level contain the same information as the responses after a 3 forced first rebid by the opener after a Omnibus 2 No Trump first response by the responder, as repeated below:
4 This rebid indicates the maximum support range, and is also the cheapest bid over 3 Clubs.
4 This rebid indicates an average range, but may also show a 4-card plus length in Diamonds.
4 This rebid indicates an average range, but may also show a 4-card plus length in Hearts.
4 As illustrated in the case above, this rebid indicates a minimum hand within the promised support range.

Note: A 3 Hearts response after the 3 Diamonds rebid by the opener is artificial and imparts no information about his Heart holding. The 3 Hearts response is asking opener to more closely define his strength.

Dealer Responder Meaning
1 / 2 NT Promises either a balanced hand with stoppers in the unbid suits and 13-20 high card points, or
  a strong raise of opener's suit with at least 4-card support and 16-18 support points.
3 This rebid by the opener promises a distribution of 4-4-4-1 with the singleton in Clubs.
3 Artificial bid asking opener to further define his holding.

The opener bids in step responses, which are forcing for one round and to game. These step responses are shown below:

3 :

12 high card points or less.

3 NT:

13-14 high card points.

4 :

15-16 high card points.

4 :

17-18 high card points.

After the Omnibus Two No Trump response, the opener can also bid 3 Hearts or 3 Spades. Each of these two bids is completely artificial, but indicates, however, that the opened suit is a 5-card suit. The meaning of the 3 Hearts signifies that the opener has length in Clubs and minimum values. The meaning of the 3 Spades signifies that the opener has length in Diamonds and minimum values.

For additional information please review the following two articles published by Mr. Marvin French of San Diego.

Ominibus - Revised and Updated Version
This is a complete version of the employment of the Omnibus 2 No Trump response devised by and contributed by Mr. Marvin French of San Diego, California, United States. It was published in Popular Bridge magazine, June 1978, in The Bulletin of the ACBL, February, 1981, and in the Contract Bridge Forum, February 1982. It is included in Bridge Conventions Complete, by Amalya Kearse. This is a .pdf file and will be automatically opened by your browser in a new window.

Ominibus Simplified
This is a version of the employment of the Omnibus 2 No Trump response devised by and contributed by Mr. Marvin French of San Diego, California. It was first published in the magazine Popular Bridge in 1977. The advantages of this conventional method are: 1. a responding No Trump holding of 16-18 high card points can be shown at a low level when slam is a possibility; 2. some suit contracts normally played from opener's side may be played from the side of the No Trump bidder, plus other advantages. This is a .pdf file and will be automatically opened by your browser in a new window.

If you wish to include this feature, or any other feature, of the game of bridge in your partnership agreement, then please make certain that the concept is understood by both partners. Be aware whether or not the feature is alertable or not and whether an announcement should or must be made. Check with the governing body and/or the bridge district and/or the bridge unit prior to the game to establish the guidelines applied. Please include the particular feature on your convention card in order that your opponents are also aware of this feature during the bidding process, since this information must be made known to them according to the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge. We do not always include the procedure regarding Alerts and/or Announcements, since these regulations are changed and revised during time by the governing body. It is our intention only to present the information as concisely and as accurately as possible.
